Saturday, August 08, 2009


I guess a better title would be "What's in your heart?", or "What's in your temple?" I had two ah-ha moments this morning when the Spirit illuminated some things. From the NEB, in Jeremiah 9: parts of verses 23 and 24 -

"Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom nor the valiant of his valour; let not the rich man boast of his riches; but if any man would boast, let him boast of this, that he understands and knows me."

In LBLA and SRV they use entender and conocer.

Much of the recent leading I have been receiving is that the ultimate goal of God's work in us is for us to know and understand Him - not to do or be anything else but yielded, and not to focus on the goal (other than this one) but to focus on the journey and the present. This passage today seems very worthy of memorization and frequent consideration.

The second moment was triggered by the daily reading from Oswald Chambers (MUFHH) for August 8. One statement was elaborated there: "What was true of the Virgin Mary in the historic introduction of God's Son into this earth is true in every saint. The son of God is born into me by a direct act of God." We need to let that son of God be about his father's business and not to reclaim our ownership and pride over the "temple" he has given. We are not to usurp the true king and crucify him within our life by wresting back control and ownership when emotion or selfishness rise up.

So who is inside you, and is he about his father's business?


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